Digital Media Projects

Project: New DoorDash Partner Landing Page (SPEC)

Client: DoorDash (SPEC)

Audience: Small, independently owned restaurants who are not yet DoorDash Partners. They already offer takeout and have a loyal following of core customers, but are skeptical of new technology and services. They rely on Facebook to market their business and do not have a website.

Challenge: Increase partner signups and lower abandonment rates.

Solution: The landing page tone is Casual-Friday professional, simple, and reassuring for reluctant business owners who want to see how statistics on how they benefit, and feel supported through a new stage of their operations.

At the top of the page, the readers are immediately assured that a DoorDash partnership results in long-term profits they can start benefiting from immediately.

There’s also reminders that:

  • their core customers will love the convenient online options.

  • they’ll gain access to a new customer base.

  • they have a low bar of entry to partnership with a commission-free trail period.

  • there’s support for readers who avoid complex tech setups in their businesses.

The deeper benefit of gaining more control of their restaurants and increasing long-term profits with a 3rd-party delivery service is reinforced in the expandable testimonials, and a 2nd call to action to talk to a tech experts lowers the abandonment rate.

Results: A concise and thorough landing page SPEC piece that would blend seamlessly with the DoorDash brand, and increase their partnerships with independently owned restaurants.

(Click to photos expand)


Digital Media Projects