So indestructible it’s not even funny

The most horrifying thing I can think of has finally happened to me— my 2001 Pontiac Aztek kicked the bucket… and now I have to go *shudder* car shopping.

The first google search I typed after getting the death sentence from my mechanic was “what car should I drive if I don’t care about cars.”

Because I’m one of those drivers who don’t care about all the fancy bells and whistles. As long as my car can get me from point A to B, we’re golden.

And according to the internet, there’s a lot of people who feel like me and they all came to a unanimous vote.

“If you want a car so indestructible it’s not even funny, get a Toyota RAV4 or Honda CR-V.”

“These cars will outlive YOU if you take care of it.”

“My RAV4 hardly ever breaks down, and when it does it’s easy and cheap to fix.”

“There’s a reason millionaires only drive Hondas.”

Well…that’s all I need to know.

While I browsed local Toyotas and Hondas in my area, I couldn’t help thinking about how hard both those companies have worked to get the reputation they have now.

To command that kind of notoriety means they understood how to use their marketing efforts to change the culture of car manufacturing.

And it’s not just the commercials or the shiny paint jobs when the roll off the conveyor belt.

It’s the accessibility to the car parts and how affordable it is to fix them, it’s how their customer service cares for it's customers, it’s all the ways Toyota and Honda went out of their way to serve their customers in the ways they needed.

All of it settles into the customer and changes the story they tell themselves — that only smart and economic drivers buy from Toyota and Honda.

Everything a business does that touches the market is marketing. And when done right, your customers will happily spread your ideas, services, and products for you.


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