Gum scaping kit

A person who hates getting gum stuck to their shoes can walk by the same billboard advertising a reusable pocket-size gum scraping kit every day for years, and never truly understand how it serves them to make their life better.

The gum scraping kit business owners will scratch their heads wondering why this person, who is their exact target for the kit, never looks up at their very nice, informative, and persuasive billboard.

But that’s the problem. The person who needs the kit isn’t looking up at billboards on their walk. They’re too busy looking down at the sticky mess on the bottom of their shoes.

If these gum scraping kit business owners wanted to serve their customers more (and get more sales), they would put that same billboard low to the ground.

In short, your messaging must exist in multiple platforms, and in different spaces to connect with the right people. If your customers aren’t coming to you on their own, you must go and meet them wherever they are.


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