Solar lights

Like a good little copywriter, I carve out time every day to read through my email, including my promotions folder.

And what I’ve noticed is that ecommerce emails are the ones that my mind scrolls past almost instantly.

Why? Because I already know what’s going to be inside.

I can already see it. ‘Here, buy this!’ in some variant under a big picture of the product.

It’s not a bad format, but please ecommerce brands I’m begging you to try something different.

Look at it this way: You need new solar lights for your balcony in time for your next dinner party.

Are you going to buy them from an email that goes on and on about about the run time, or are you going to buy from the email that paints the picture of solar lights that are the hero of your dinner party? The lights that cast a warm glow over conservations all night and let you stretch the goodbyes out just a little bit longer than needed?

Sometimes simple emails are the right way to go. However, I say the more you can delight your customers with specific stories and word painting, the more likely they’ll be to choose your solar lights.


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